
TIE – Tarjeta de Identidad de Extranjeros

Any British national wishing to live in Fuerteventura (or indeed Spain) must apply to register for a Tarjeta de Identidad de Extranjeros (Foreigners’ ID card), within 3 months of their arrival.

The TIE was already the system for third-country nationals, but came into force for the British on 6th July 2020, replacing the previous system of Certificado de Registro (known as a green residencia). The Certificado de Registro is still in place for nationals of EU countries.

It must be noted that those registered with TIE (or Certificado de Registro) are not to leave Spain for a period of 6 months in any 1 year period for the first 5 years from date of registration. It is therefore not for those who merely wish to have an extended holiday of more than 3 months in a 6 month period.

British nationals who hold a green residencia do NOT have to exchange it for the new TIE, but they can change if they so wish. As it stands at the moment, the green Certificado de Registro will remain valid indefinitely. The TIE will be valid for 5 years for those who have had residencia less than 5 years, and 10 years for those who have had residencia for longer than 5 years (permanente), after which time they must be renewed.

The legislation for the TIE was published in the Spanish Government publication BOE 7276, and our information is based upon that. However, it is important to realise that whilst the BOE covers all of Spain it is only the base requirements, and the power of decision making is granted explicitly to the chief of an extranjería. Here, we discuss known requirements specific to Fuerteventura in the province of Las Palmas.

British Nationals who have not yet applied for residencia or TIE, but have been living in Fuerteventura (or indeed anywhere in Spain) prior to 1st January 2021, and can prove this to the satisfaction of the authorities, may still apply at the Oficina de Extranjera (Foreign Office) under the withdrawal agreement. Financial requirements for this would be 6,000€, and health insurance, dated prior to 1st January 2021, equivalent to public health service (no exemptions and no excess) is required.

British Nationals with a non-lucrative visa, applying for the TIE with no Certificado de Registro must apply at the Oficina de Extranjera (Foreign Office) (appointment necessary), with the following:

  • EX20 Form
  • passport
  • empadronamiento (less than 3 months old)
  • if working, employment contract or autonomo alta
  • if not working, health insurance*
  • proof of sufficient resources**
  • in some circumstances (undefined) extranjerías may request a criminal record check
  • two copies of everything! Sometimes only 1 is required, but better safe than sorry
  • a printout of your appointment confirmation. Not absolutely necessary, but a ‘just in case’.

* Health insurance must be equal to, or better than, Spanish health service, with no exclusions, including pre-existing health conditions, and no excess. Having a policy that is not up to the required standard is the most common reason for failure of TIE application.

** The amount required for proof of funds is based on the Indicador Público de Renta de Efectos Múltiples (IPREM). For an individual applicant you multiply the figure by 400%, and 100% for each additional family member.

Once the application is submitted, a receipt will be given. Keep the receipt safe as it will be enough to grant you legal stay status until the TIE is issued, which should be within three months.

It is not a given right that your application will be accepted, and Spain could refuse you permission to live in Spain if you fail to meet the required criteria. If your application fails you will be advised and will then have ten working days in order to correct the problem. If you don’t, or can not, correct it within the time allowed, it will be taken that you have withdrawn the application and it will be cancelled.

When the TIE has been approved and is ready, it must be collected from the police station in Puerto del Rosario. You must attend in person as finger prints will be taken. On collection you will need:

  • EX23 form
  • valid and current passport
  • proof of payment of fees – modelo 790
  • 2 photos (ID card size – ie smaller than passport size).

The TIE issued will be valid for 5 years and will state Temporal. After 5 years you will have to renew it for a permanent one, which will be valid for 10 years.

British Nationals who have a green residencia, who wish to change to a TIE, must attend the National Police Station in Puerto del Rosario (appointment necessary), with the following:

  • EX23 form
  • valid and current passport (or proof of reapplication for expired passports)
  • modelo 790 (code 012)
  • 2 photos (ID card size – ie smaller than passport size).
  • empadronamiento less than 3 months old
  • two copies of everything! Sometimes only 1 is required, but better safe than sorry
  • a printout of your appointment confirmation. Not absolutely necessary, but a ‘just in case’.

For those who have had their residencia for less than 5 years, the TIE issued will be valid for 5 years and say Temporal. After 5 years you will have to renew it for a permanent one, which will be valid for 10 years.

For those who have had their residencia for 5 years or longer, the TIE issued will be valid for 10 years and say Permanente. After 10 year you will have to renew it.

If your green residencia does not state Permanente you must also have confirmation of the duration of residence (this is not defined but should be a simple confirmation of the date of issue of the Registro).

DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is intended to serve for informational purposes only. While we strive to make the information on this website as accurate and up-to-date as possible, we can not guarantee that there are no mistakes or errors, and we do not assume any legal or other liability for its accuracy. Should you decide to act upon any information on this website, you do so at your own risk. The information on this website is not intended as a substitute for professional advice, and we strongly advise you to carry out your own research and/or seek professional advice where necessary. We do not endorse or recommend companies listed or advertising on this website offering services or products.

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  1. If you have Green residencia for 2 years and exchange this for a TIE do you lose your right to discounted travel as a Resident.

    1. Hi Kevan. Unfortunately all those who have not had residencia for 5+ years, and thus permanente, have lost the right to discounted travel due to Brexit. It does not matter whether you hold a green residencia or the new TIE. However, I have known of a couple of people who were granted a new certificate for travel discount, but, as is the way here, that is the luck of the draw on who you see and what mood they’re in LOL!

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