Catching up!

I have to admit that I have neglected this website terribly! We were busy last year with moving home (yes, we’ve moved!), buying another car, and other stuff! Then, this year we’ve been dealing with Covid-19 of course, plus changes made by the Spanish Government in preparation of Brexit, both of which has necessitated in a LOT of research to keep up to date, and I have to admit that I had been posting all the information on Facebook instead of here! That left no time at all for Fuerteventura Now, which quickly became out of date.

However! In the beginning of July I felt I had had enough of all the pettiness and nastiness on Facebook and deactivated my account. I felt sad about this as there were a number of people who wrote privately, and some publicly, thanking me for the research I do and all the information provided. Whether I go back on to Facebook or not is still in debate, but for now I will post here and perhaps Ian will share it on Facebook. Not sure yet!

I will be catching up here with everything that has or will be changing, so watch this space as they say! It will be a slow job!

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Ian, togged up and ready to make war on the wall tiles!

Anyway! Last year we sold our home in Caleta, and on 2nd September 2019 (YIKES, over a year ago now!) moved into our new home inland, near the town of Antigua. It was sad as we did enjoy living there, but the holidaymakers around us were just too noisy for us. Here we have no neighbours to the side of us, and behind we just have Spanish neighbours who are lovely. Best of all we have what I’ve always wanted – fabulous views of mountains all around us! We’ve had a lot of work to do to bring the villa to how we want it, and are almost there! The biggest disappointment is that it doesn’t have a swimming pool, although we are hoping that we can get one put in. I have to say that without the exercise of swimming every day, we have both put on weight!

‘Haley’, on our first jaunt out

The second major thing we did was last year was to buy another car! We had wanted a 4×4 for some time, as our little Polo was just not man enough for some of the tracks we wanted to drive down. Over the months we had test driven a few different cars, but none felt quite right. Then we test drove a car from Miguel at Antigua Motors. Again, Ian was just not over comfortable driving it. However, I spied an old Nissan Terrano II sitting in amongst all his other cars and so we asked him about it. I think he was a bit shocked that we would like it LOL! He had to recharge the batteries and move cars about in order to get it out, but we gave it a test drive and thought it was great!! Being 25 years old we had Colin, a local mechanic, to look over her as neither of us know much about cars, and he reported back that, for her age, she was in pretty good nick! With 5 doors and a 7 seater she’s bigger than we really wanted, and is somewhat rough and ready, but we went ahead and bought her, and haven’t regretted it! We call her Haley, because she ‘Shakes, Rattles and Rolls’ in true Bill Haley style! We’ve had some pretty good and some scary (well for me!) drives out in her, and she’s been great every time!,

We’ve still been going out, exploring the island with our cameras, albeit not so often, and I shall be adding posts of where we’ve been to, along with our live-drive videos and photographs.

So, we have a lot of catching up on the site to do, with lots of changes from the Spanish Government, new laws, the brexit transition period ending, Covid-19 (not much on that one!!) and of course all our travels about the island.

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One Comment

  1. Hi Jill,
    I´ve had a lovely time exploring your blog, I need to come back and read it in a bit more detail. I would be grateful if you would sign me up for updates as and when you write them.
    Thank you,

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